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Architectural Wood DoorsTops & Surfaces

Stretta Display Countertop Rebate Program

Ordering Your Display Countertops Is As Simple As 1, 2, 3!

  1. Order Stretta countertops by placing your display countertop order with VT Customer Service and submitting the Stretta Display Rebate Form

  2. Install the Stretta display countertops in showroom

  3. Submit a photo of installed display countertops to your VT Territory Sales Manager within 60 days of invoice date

Display Countertop Sizes: (All sizes available in White Marble, Manhattan Pearl, & Alabaster Slate)

  • 4-ft. Straight Countertop
  • 6-ft. Londoner® A Countertop
  • 6-ft. Londoner® B Countertop

Rebate Program Details:

  • Customer can order up to two Stretta display countertops
  • Customer will initially be charged full price, no discounts apply
  • Full rebate for display countertops will be granted if the following conditions are met:
    • Countertops are installed in showroom
    • Customer submits photo and display rebate form to their VT Territory Sales Manager within 60 days of invoice date