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Architectural Wood DoorsTops & Surfaces


Our Forward-Focus Mentality Guides Us to Responsible Action.

A product is only as sustainable as the materials used to manufacture it. At VT, we let this simple tenet guide our decision-making with regard to raw material selection. Our ultimate goal is to produce VT Architectural Wood Doors, Dimensions Laminate Countertops, and CenterPointe Butcher Block Countertops with the most efficient use of natural resources while creating healthy working and living environments.

Sustainable materials in. Sustainable products out. The first rule of Forward Focus.

Learn how we use sustainable materials & processes to craft sustainable products.


Architectural Doors

VT Architectural Wood Doors are manufactured using pre-consumer 

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Tops & Surfaces

VT Dimensions countertops are manufactured using pre- 

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Paneling & Woodworking

Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis 

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Operating with a Purpose.

At VT, we are constantly monitoring and adapting our manufacturing processes to reduce the impact they have on the environment. We use a significant amount of recycled materials in the production of VT products, and we also repurpose the byproducts of our operations whenever possible. Other lean manufacturing practices are in place to help reduce waste and drive down the delivered cost of VT products. Making the most of every action taken. Another aspect of Forward Focus.

Waste Management
All aspects of VT’s production processes are evaluated in order to keep waste at a minimum. In all of our facilities we collect paper, cardboard, metal, and plastic strapping, wood pallets, the plastic used in packaging, and plastic barrels for recycling. 147 tons of materials were recycled in 2011 alone at our corporate facility in Holstein, Iowa.

Energy Management
VT has made many upgrades in energy efficiency including high-efficiency T5 fluorescent lights that replaced metal halide lamps, helping all of our facilities reduce consumption. Our Bryan, Texas plant reduced its energy consumption by over 50% and was presented the “Energy Saver” award from the Department of Energy (DOE).

Emissions Management
Reducing hazardous emissions from our production processes is a top priority at VT. Our largest manufacturing facility in Holstein, Iowa, complies with the emissions requirements of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, operating with VOCs and HAPs of 30% and 4%. Per unit produced, our HAPs have been reduced by 87%.
Safety Management
Valuing the safety of our employees above all else, VT is committed to operating with zero accidents or injuries. This focus has enabled us to reduce recordable incidents by 51% companywide since 2006, outpacing the average incident rate of wood product manufacturers at last reporting. Several of our facilities have also achieved World-Class Safety.

Knowledge + Education

It stands to reason that environmentally conscious policies and practices are possible only through the efforts of knowledgeable professionals. At VT, we have several LEED® Accredited Professionals on hand to assist with our customers’ LEED questions and requirements. We also offer continuing education programs that meet AIA Sustainable Design requirements, as well as an FSC Training Program to assist our customers with FSC Chain of Custody Certification. 
