Internships + Co-ops
Jump-Start Your Future With an Internship at VT.
Discover Your Full Potential.
You can soon say goodbye to bringing coffees and running errands— as a VT intern you'll be far too occupied with real world, hands-on projects to remember if your co-worker ordered a caramel or vanilla latte.
During your time at VT, you'll get a real feel for what a full-time career in your field would look like. You'll be tasked with projects and given timelines—you'll be asked to present your findings, defend your rationales, and even more— you'll get to discover what it's truly like to become a part of the VT family!

"My internship at VT was the perfect stepping stone into my full-time career in marketing! During my internship, I was given projects that forced me to think outside the box and apply the materials I learned in the classroom. The family-owned culture was so welcoming— everyone was very supportive & genuinely cared about one another." —Trisha Schug, Corporate Product Marketing Manager
Learn From Industry Professionals.
At VT, we strive to teach interns real-life skills they can't learn from a textbook. We provide a foundation for our interns to learn and grow. We challenge them to question the "status quo," encouraging them to develop new ideas, plans, and efficiencies.
Providing young students the opportunity to work alongside our employees—many of whom having years and even decades of experience in their profession—is a win, win.
Our industry professionals understand what it takes to succeed and they are dedicated to helping young leaders achieve their goals.

"From day one I was treated as a valued member of the team. The projects I was assigned during my engineering co-op were challenging and thought-provoking. I was given significant, real-world business projects that gave me the opportunity to determine if the manufacturing sector was the right fit for me. The small-town culture and supportive work environment led me to pursue a full-time career with VT after graduation." — Shawn Flanigan, Engineer 1
Secure a Full-Time Post Graduation Career.
Many of VT's past interns enjoyed their time at VT so much that they have accepted full-time positions after graduation. Past interns have gone on to work full-time in areas such as engineering, IT, accounting, marketing, human resources, and customer service, Graduate with confidence knowing you have a full-time career waiting for you at VT!
apply for internships/co-ops